Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Babies!!!

On April 17, 2009 my babies turned ONE!! I am the mother to One-year old Twins!!I know I can't believe it either.  I survived the first year!! From what I hear the first three years are the hardest so one down - two to go!
We had a birthday party for the babies. It was really nice. It was mainly close friends and family. The babies did really well. I made sure it was after their first nap so they would be well rested. They didn't eat any of the cake but that didn't surprise me.  They aren't really excited about feeding themselves. But they did play with the cake. Will kept trying to push his away lol. 
They got tons of toys and clothes. It was such a nice day. We had a pinata for the big kids, which was a blast. I love spending time with our friends and family. I am so grateful to have such wonderful people in my life. 
On to the pictures! 
Birthday Boy
Birthday Girl
Birthday Cake Before
Birthday Cake Before
Birthday Cake During
Birthday Cake During

More During

Cake After

This one cracks me up. I love the icing moustache


Random Pictures
Ellie's Favorite game
Aunt Kate and Aunt Jill holding babies
Auntie Kate and Ellie
Larry and Will
Daddy and Ellie

Big Brother

 Mommy and Ellie


Allison said...

Cute pictures! And I always tell people its the first year that is the hardest - so I think you've already made it! :)

Arjun and Indira said...

Happy first birthday Will and Ellie! Wait until you see how much they change over the next few months as they transition to toddlers it is craziness. I love all the pics and Ellie's headband it too cute for words! I also love the one of her in the air
Damiane' (from TS adia2007)