Every month I take a picture of all three of the kids together. It used to be on the couch every time. Now its on the couch or on the recliner or on the floor but I make sure it's all three of them together. I can't guarantee a smile everytime or even that everyone is looking at the camera but at least they are together. I didn't do it on purpose and I actually missed April the month they were born. I have pictures of them together and of Ben holding each of them but none of them all together. I had done it for a couple months before I realized that I had gotten one every month but now I make a point to do it. I went back through them last night. It was neat to see how much they've all grown. I put together a collage of the last nine months.
What a cool idea! I may just have to start doing that myself. And I can't believe how much Will & Ellie have grown! Even Ben looks so much more like a boy in the February picture as opposed to the toddlerish-expression in May, don't you think?
AWWWW, *squeels.* They just grow up soooo fast! I love this idea. It's great.
That's a great idea! I love all the pictures. It took me a minute to figure out what the patriotic theme was for in November :)
soo cute! your kids all have the most beautiful blue eyes. and i love how you dress the twins, the same but the boy/girl versions of the outfits. everytime we are shopping baby clothes, and i see the little matching boy/girl outfits i say "awww..i want twins next!"
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