I've had writers block for a couple weeks now. I have a post started that I promise I will get up in the next day or so. Its basically an update as to our life recently. But in the mean time...
Today has been kind of a rough day. Babies are cranky. Ben has been whiney. Babies took two very short naps and woke up screaming/crying. Ben actually took a nap which means he will be up later tonight. I have tons of baby laundry I need to fold and a house to clean. Needless to say I was feeling a little overwhelmed and to be honest not very happy about being a mom. Then I came across this:
It describes me four years ago perfectly. It put everything back into perspective. I am so thrilled I have been given this chance to be a mother to these three perfect little souls. This is exactly what I've always wanted. It helped to bring me back and remember what I went through to get to this point.
I would die for that.
I posted the same link today! It must be one of those days!
Good luck from another twin + mom!
Wow. Mel. Thats a great video. Im so glad you are a mom. You have some great kiddos there.
I saw that video a while back and no matter how much I watch it, it always makes me cry. I think for us who went through infertility we feel guilty complaining sometimes but we have to realize we are allowed!
Wow. Thanks Mel for posting this. I never went through that pain, I never miscarried, never had to struggle to get kids...but my heart as a woman and mom feels so connected to those who do. This made my day...we should all watch this on days we don't "love" being a mom!
Hi Mel,
Janell's friend Tara here; married to Aaron Chandler--Travis's friend. Last saw you at Janell's baby shower for Shopie.
I was on Janell's blog and clicked over to see what this blog was--I love your fam pic!!!
And then I watched "I would Die for That" never heard that before. I cried my eyes out...we have three kids which I am so thankful for, but a hole in my heart for the 4 miscarriages this last year. Today was the perfect day to see this for me. Thank you for posting this on your blog. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You're an angel. :) www.chandlercoven.blogspot.com
I found this post on Hajar's blog, and boy am I glad I did. It was wonderful.
I have twin girls and I recently lost a baby. I'm glad I'm not the only one who needs reminding from time to time that I would die for that over and over and over again.
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