William Jameson was born on April 17, 2008 at 11:56am. He was born at 35 weeks 6days. He weighed 5 lbs 1oz and was 17 1/2 inches long. Will didn't have a name until the morning we went to the hospital. Up until that point we couldn't agree on one. I wanted to name him either Mathew Loren or Jonathan Mathew and Jim wanted to name him Jonathan Danger. The morning of the c-section Jim was taking a shower and he wrote 4 names on the wall trying to come up with a boy name. The names were Boxcar Megatron (Insert eye rolling smilie here) Jonathan Henry, William Jameson and one other I can't think of right now. We agreed on William Jameson.
Will is now 2 months old he is 9 lbs 9oz. He is our chunky baby which is probably because he wants to eat every two hours. He loves to be cuddled and held. He is fussy in the evenings but baths and outside can usually calm him down at least for a little while. He goes to bed earlier than Ellie and wakes up earlier too. He is usually up about 6:30 or before. He LOVES his pacifier.
Here are some pictures of him.

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